On May 21st and 22nd, Nashville Dentistry Co. attended the AIG Health Fair. We were honored to be the only dental office in attendance and to provide AIG employees information on our office. Our staff was able to discuss the importance of oral heath and consistent dental visits as well superior treatment options that we offer at Nashville Dentistry Co. We provided information on insurances that we accept, payment plans, and our own in office savings plan for patients with no insurance. Our staff handed out bags containing toothbrushes, toothpaste, and floss. AIG employees were able to enter to win an electric toothbrush and a Waterpik. The winners will be announced in the coming days.
If you are not an AIG employee, please feel free to give our office a call at 615-797-8003 or visit www.nashvilledentistryco.com to learn more about our services.