This past weekend, our team traveled to Las Vegas, Nevada to go to Crown Council 2019. We hopped on our plane early Thursday morning and headed to Las Vegas. Registration was first on our list of things to do and it did not disappoint. There were blow up slides, yoga mats, snuggies, and vendors from all over that brought us the best information on new products and trainings. We spent the rest of the day walking the strip and going to the Yoga class that was held by Crown Council.

Friday, we had world renowned speakers, such as the Iron Cowboy, speak to us on the importance of showing up every single day. He spoke about how choosing to believe in yourself can change the course of your life. For lunch, our team went to individual lunch and learns to listen to experts in the dental field speak on topics such as links to periodontal and heart disease. The afternoon was filled with more motivational speakers who inspired us to choose joy and look for ways to bring joy to our patients when they come into our office. That night, we had dinner with our colleagues and watch a Cirque de Soleil act.

Saturday morning, we listened to Mel Robbins speak on changing your mindset. She spoke on how to use the 5 second rule to stop procrastinating and bring in positivity into your mind. The afternoon was spent participating in a team building session.

We are so excited to be back home and be able to implement these new tools into our office. We cannot wait to share the changes coming to the office that will be geared towards sparking joy in your life when you come to see us.

We are still accepting new patients so visit us are or give us a call at 615-797-8003 to schedule today.